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PeakFit Wellness

Tiffany Peak

Gua sha and Cupping

Gua sha & Cupping Therapy are ancient Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) techniques used to increase blood flow to an area of the body that may be experiencing pain, stress, tension, or soreness. This increase in blood flow creates an environment that encourages the body to begin healing.


Gua sha & Cupping are theapeutically beneficial for patients that experience, tight and sore muscles, joint pain,
Migraines, Arthritis, Sciatica, Plantar Fasciitis, stress and anxiety as well as helping to reduce inflammation.


Gua sha & Cupping Therapy should not be performed on the following individuals

*Individulas taking blood thinners*Individuals with Blood Clots/DVT
*Pregnant woman

*Individuals with open wounds or recovering from a recent surgery
*Individuals with thin/sensitive skin, such as the elderly
*Children under 4 years of age for Gua sha and under 12 months for Cupping
**Please discuss these and any other medical conditions or concerns you have.**

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